Infection control

Staff must not attend college if they have any Covid19 symptoms

Infection control

Staff showing any symptoms must have a test

Staff entrance to school

Staff must enter college via the main entrance and wait for a temperature check before moving on to class bases.

Social distancing

Staff will be allocated different bases around college. Class staff to remain in bases all day except for going to the toilet. Staff to ensure they are 2m from each other where possible especially when not working with the students. Telephone system to be used to communicate to other classes and nurses.

Bathroom areas

Each class group allocated their own bathroom to use. PPE to be worn at all times when bath rooming.

Break, lunch and toilets for staff

Staff allocated toilets to use to reduce congestion. Break and lunch times to be staggered. Staff will remain in their allocated classroom or may go outside as long as they keep to the social distancing rule.

Staff protection

Staff to be provided with full PPE if required. Staff have all signed to say they know how to use it correctly and posters are displayed in bathrooms.

Staff clothing

Staff must wear clean clothes every day and may wear casual but sensible clothing to enable this.