Dear Parents/carers,
I am sure like everyone, you will be concerned about the present situation regarding the corona virus. At college we have been following the advice given by the Department of Health which you can find here:
We are following all the advice given by the Department of Health. This is being updated daily. In school we have already put in place the following things:
All classes have anti-bacterial handwash
We have soap and wash bowls in every class
We have put handwash signs in every toilet and bathroom
We have put “Catch it, bin it, kill it” signs around college
Students are having handwashes when they arrive at college, at breaktimes and at lunchtimes
All door handles and handrails are being cleaned daily
We are limiting physical contact to the minimum
I have also spoken to the NHS officers and made them aware that many of the children here at The Hive have underlying health issues and might be particularly at risk if they were to catch the virus.
If you do have particular concerns about your child being vulnerable because of a medical condition they have, I would suggest you ask for advice from your GP.
It may be that in the event of a greater spread of infection in the coming weeks further measures may have to be considered and it is possible this could include closure of schools/colleges.
We would ask that you follow the Department of Health advice regarding what action to take if members of your family or your child have possible symptoms or fall into any categories of risk, this is very important. We would also request that in the unfortunate event of a member of your family contracting the virus we would ask that you inform us immediately and keep your child off college.
We will keep you informed and updated of any developments or news about this as soon as we receive it. Any information from college will be posted on our website immediately.